
The examples and practical exercises presented to you here are very simple. There are quicker and more powerful ways of accomplishing what we have done in the scope of this document. The steps taken in these pages allow you to use common Linux tools and utilities that are helpful to the beginner.

Once you become comfortable with Linux, you can extend the commands to encompass many more options. Practice will allow you to get more and more comfortable with piping commands together to accomplish tasks you never thought possible with a default OS load (and on the command line to boot!);

  • Compress an image as you create it.

  • Image usingddover a network connection.

  • Start learning how to automate these tasks with shell scripts (shell scripts are your friend!).

I hope that your time spent working with this guide was well spent. At the very least, I’m hoping it gave you something to do, rather than stare at Linux for the first time and wonder “what now?”

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