
The runlevel is simply a description of the system state. For our purposes, it is easiest to say that (forRed Hat, at least – other systems, like_Suse_may differ):

  • runlevel 0 = shutdown

  • runlevel 1 = single user mode

  • runlevel 3 = full multiuser mode / text login

  • runlevel 5 = full multiuser / X11 / graphical login

  • runlevel 6 = reboot

In the file_/etc/inittab_you will see a line similar to:


It is here that the default runlevel for the system is set. If you want a text login (which I would strongly suggest), set the above value to “3”. You can always use “startx” to get to the X Window GUI system. If you want a graphical login, you would edit the above line to contain a “5”.

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